How a Herniated Disc from a Car Accident Can Affect Your Life

A disc herniation from a car accident sometimes referred to as a slipped disc, can have long-term consequences on a person’s health and ability to continue living as before. The physical consequences can be so painful that they severely affect the person’s ability to continue working at the same job, playing the same sports, or enjoying the same quality of life as before.

What Are The Physical Complications From A Herniated Disc?

People who suffer from a herniated disc may suffer from pain, numbness, fatigue, and weakness in affected areas. They may also suffer from worse pain at night or after sitting or standing.

One of the more painful complications arising out of a disc herniation is permanent nerve damage. In severe cases, nerve impulses to the lower back and legs are blocked which means that the person significantly loses bowel and bladder control. That makes it difficult for him to hold a job, or perform any activity without significant disability. Another long-term complication arising from this condition is saddle anesthesia, which leads to loss of sensation around the rectum and inner thighs.

Victims often require therapy and rehabilitation due to the consistent pain, which translates into heavier medical expenses.

What Are The Consequences Of A Herniated Disc On A Victim's Life?

Severe and consistent pain is typically the hallmark of a herniated disc, which can make it difficult for a person to go back to his job. If the victim was working at a job that required him to stand or sit for long periods of time, walk long distances, or perform manual labor, a herniated disc may make it impossible for him to continue in that line of employment. He may have to transfer to another lower position, which could mean reduced income, lowered productivity, and a lower quality of life.

The pain can also make it difficult for a person to continue engaging in the same interests that he had before. He may have to discontinue playing sports, exercising, or engaging in many of the physical activities that he enjoyed earlier.

Even though the nerves involved with sexual function are not directly affected, the pain associated can impact sexual function and lead to stress in personal relationships. Chronic pain can also lead to symptoms of depression and anxiety.

If you have suffered a slipped disc or disc herniation in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence, get medical help for your injuries immediately. Next, call The Law Office of Julie Johnson at 214-290-8001 to speak with a car accident lawyer and schedule a consultation to discuss filing a claim for your damages, such as pain and suffering or medical expenses. Contact us for an initial evaluation of your claim today.

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